the sun keeps moving and i will too...
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Who's the idiot that came up with this stuff?

If you are anything (even just a smidget) impressed with the world that you have seen, I am utterly flattered and astonished, for I am not even old enough to take driving lessons, thus bewildered and rather uneducated in the world around me. My name is Catherine, and I am a Jr. High student in America.

Three-quarters Filipino and one quarter haole, I live a non-perfect life in my non-perfect world! I am a major fanatic of JRR Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. I speak Quenya: an elvish language written by Professor Tolkien. I am going to write in Khuzdul. I have memorized the basic map of Middle-Earth. I have read the books; The Silmarillion is a read in progress.

I have also written fanfiction! Fanfiction was the very first seed of this world. As each story is written, this culture advances. I have over twenty compositions on my login at Great site. Don't know what I'd be doing without it. Talk to me? Here! Drop a line off: .

And that's me! Tuh-dah! Big-vocabulary, confused, and myth-freak me! I am a DORK and 'ell 'a proud of it!

Ornamental piece with gold figures


Mythology has been an influence, but the elegance of JRR Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings has been the most inspiring factor. After being utterly amazed by the movie, and simply hypnotized by his classical works of literature, I wanted to do something similar to Tolkien's path. So, I sat down, wrote a story, and suddenly found a string which lead to the world that I had made. Truth be told, like Tolkien, I had not created Ryunarasu, but discovered it! 

Well, all the drawings here on this site might not be the best because I had to use Paint for illustrations. I am much more skilled with pencil, really, but since I don't have a scanner, these Anime-type drawings will just have to do for now. But considering how primitive Paint can be, I should say that I did something of a job good.
However, everything is going to change soon because I HAVE A SCANNER! BWAHAHAHAHA!

YAY! ...what're you looking at?

Legolas' Violent Death
My logo! All mine!
Bash Legolas here at Naheka's second site: LEGOLAS' VIOLENT DEATH

Greetings,"Hello"s, and "MEEP!"s to:

* Chaos-chan

* Jackie

*Megan S.

*Megan D.



*Lily- Visit her Harry Potter site! NOOWWWWW!!! The Ryunarasu command you!... (even if they have no idea what Harry Potter is...)

* Deo








*Lt. General Insaneo






