the sun keeps moving and i will too...
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An unfinished painting...

Breathe Light, consume Darkness,
Hear secrets, tell lies,
Drink water, spew wine,
Walk in shame, sprint in pride,
Fall in gace, rise in energy,
Kill for blood, heal for worth,
Live in mystery, die in fame...
For it is a noble deed to live a life.
For thousands of years, an ancient clan conquered the many cities, peoples, lands of foriegn and distant lands... all in strict secrecy and forgotten shadow. They had an intensely complex system of security which surpasses the high technology we mortals have today. A thief could be caught by his own foolishness in the hands of this clan. Their government was powerful... and merciless. Viceroys were kings as priests were deities. The dogs were devils, and the commoners were overseers... overseers to the slaves that they had captured from their raids.
But the hands of their own men had forsaken them. Betrayel had befallen them, and all that remains of Ryunarasu has been forgotten... and destroyed. It has been over a thousand years since their apocalypse; their end. No pebble from this age of time lies at the bottom of the seas and oceans. Not a single breath of their kind drifts upon the winds of autumn.  Not one page in the volumes of time tell of it...
Or perhaps this shard of glass, worn and smooth from age, tells the story. An eye glass. Eye of the Ryunarasu.