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Of the lesser animals that had come into creation after Men, the Ryunarasu captured and enslaved. These creatures were dumb and rather stupid, therefore a fairly easy domestication process was formed. Here are some of the lesser animals that the Ryunarasu interacted with.


An ostrich-like bird well-used in the Irakhi Desert because of its durability for heat, and its swift ability to walk on sand. They come in a variety of colors, ranging from pale blue to black. However, for defense, an adult Gingae will defend itself with the crown of razors upon its brow, and the Gingae are easily offended. Only the most elite riders can truly master a Gingae.


Evidently one of the most exotic creatures raised by Ryunarasu, the build of a Jede is like a horse, except dark talons can eject from their hooves. Instead of a mane, they have a majestic trail of black feathers, and their coats are a raw red sheet of scales. Rather dangerous, but this serves as a less hazardous riding-beast as an option to the Gingae.


This boar-like beast is not raised by Ryunarasu, but is instead a very rare and fine delicacy. Though Badung meat is fatally poison, Dragon's blood is the number-one antidote for resistance and cure. And because all Ryunarasu have Dragon blood running in their veins, they are immune to the poison, and are thus the only ones who consider Badung meat delicious. A Badung is much like an enormous wild boar, about three times the size of your average pig in the forest. Its hair is a thick, scratchy coat of bristles, and six ivory horns, like its two enormous fangs, are mainly used to impale defying strangers. But most feared of the Badung is its single, yellow eye which blinds anyone who looks into it, including the Ryunarasu.

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